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How to activate the animation to hang on the wall 

In this lesson, we will explain how to set the settings and animation that will make our character able to hang and slide off the wall. To do this, we need to go to the bp_char blueprint of the character, and then do the following:

1- We need to create an event called event hit


2-call the pointactor has tag fromother inevent hit
event hit: It is an event that only occurs when the character collides with anything we specify

other: is the thing that will clash with the character
actor has tag: to make that thing (actor) a special logo that distinguishes it 


3- We will name the logo (tag): tileswall


And in order to make the character hang on the wall, the character must be   Only on the air (is falling) and to prepare it, we must first bring the movement of the character (character movement) and from which we extract the value of movement in the air
(is falling)  


4- We call the point AND bolean so that we can combine all two values with each other in one output


5- Call branch 
We create a new variable and call it tilesslide, we call and define the variable (set) and set it to true
And we markcorrect on Netgear


6- We call the point  retriggerable delay and we connect it if the character is attached to the wall

image_edited. jpg

7-Now we have to create a special animation to hang on the wall
And as I told you before that there is no animation from the game files for hanging on the wall, which will make it very difficult to create an animation suitable for hanging, but the main purpose of those explanations is to know the software needed to put your animation for hanging.
I'll just choose figure 9 as the attachment animation


8- Then we put it in the animation library (allanimation)


9- We now move to the animation_bp and create a jump node and call it ontiles and extract from the jump a new animation state and name it (tilesliding) and put inside the tilesliding animationplay tileslide


10- We connect the state of hanging on the wall to the state of standing so that we can switch between the two states


11- We have to go to the transfer base between them and put some software
We have to put the points that prove that if the character is walking on the ground and you are not sliding on the tiles (not tilesliding), then enter the standing state (idle)


We have to call the variable for hanging on the wall from the character bp char by typing in the search box get tileslide 


We call the points
not boolean, and boolean
NOT boolean: connect it with the tileslide variant because if the character is not attached to the wall and is on the air, he switches to a standing state
AND boolean: So that we can collect the values ​​of the is falling and tileslide variables to move to the standing state


12- We will also move from the state of hanging on the wall to the state of falling if we jump or move away from the wall while we are in the air, and to do that we have to connectmobility status On the air (tilesliding) to the state of falling (fall) and we repeat the previous steps, but this time we have to add the pointis falling And not is walking because we'll be in the air 


13- Click compile

14- Go back to your personal blueprint and call the jump node by calling animation component then animation instance then jump to node


15- We put the name of the jump point that we created (ontils) in order to move to it


and connect it like that


Make sure that you enable the tileslide variable by ticking it


We wrote a logo a while ago that will only work when the character is hanging on the tiles that have the tileswall logo, so what we have to do is go and selectoakwoods tilesmap of the tiles and we go to its details


We write in the search box tags and in the last box at tags we press + and write tileswall


16- Click compile and start playing
And we will notice that if the character jumps and hangs on the tiles, he will enter the hanging position (tileslide), and when he lands, he will return to the standing position (idle), but the character faces the tilesWhat we have to do is to make the character closer to the tiles when attached, and that is what we will explain now:

1- Go to your personal Blueprint  


2- After activating the jump node, the character has to stick more to the tiles, so we have to get out of it a point called set relative location (sprite), and we only want to change the direction axis to the right or left (X axis), so we have to split the directions (split struct pin)


3- We do not want the character to move all the axes of its directions to zero, but only the X axis, and we want the rest of the axes
(z and y) to remain the same and what we have to do is to take out a point of the character (sprite) that goes up
get relative location Returns all values ​​of the character's axes currently. We divide it by split struct pin to get the value of each direction separately.
And we make the new value of X a value of 25 or 40, the higher the value the character becomes closer to the wall and the smaller the value becomes the farther from the wall


4- After the character is attached to the wall, we have to make it return to its normal position and move away from the wall. To do that simply, we have to copy the software for the axes, but this time we make the axis in the direction of X = 0 because it is the normal position of the character

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