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Stage design method (slabs).

In this lesson, we will explain the easiest way to design the stage using the 2d files available to us. To do this, we must first bring the oak_woods_tileset file from the oak_woods_v1.0 folder into Unreal 5 in the decoration folder.


When we open the file, we will find that it is nothing but a png image, so we have to convert it into what is called a tileset, and we can do that by clicking the left mouse button on the file, then sprite actions, then create tileset
tileset: is a tile property that enables us to choose which of the elements can collision with any object (collision)
We'll explain it better when we open the tileset file


1- Collision page (tilesmap)


When we select any tiles, we will find that the size of the square is not proportional to the size of the tiles


So we have to change the size of the tile square to a size that makes it proportional to all the tiles. But how do we know the appropriate tile square size? We can simply go back and look at the download files


The appropriate size is 24 by 24


Now we have to decide on the tiles we want the character to walk on or collide with, and we can do that simply:
1- We have to specify the tiles for which we want to make the collision property


Note: You cannot select many tiles and activate the collision feature for all of them at the same time, you must select each tile separately  


When you select the tile, you have to click on the add box to activate the colliding feature, then you can click on colliding tiles so that you can see all the tiles that you have selected and save


When you select the tile, you have to click on the add box to activate the colliding feature, then you can click on colliding tiles so that you can see all the tiles that you have selected and save

2- Tilesmap

After we finished the tileset step, we now have to move to a mode called tilemap
tilemap: It is about using and plotting all the tiles in the world

We have to left-click on the tileset, then click on create tilemap at the top of the list and call it oakwoodsTilemap


When we open the file, we will find that it is similar to a drawing program, but we can only draw the tiles that we have created.


paint: Draws the selected tile in the world
erase: erase the tile
paint: Draws the selected tiles across the entire page


  In the setup menu, we will be able to adjust the size of the tile drawing page and the square size of each tile we can call up


Let's adjust the page size and make it 15| 15


Modify the page and place the tiles on the sides and top 


At the bottom we have to put only the tiles that have the feature to collide so that the character can walk on them


After we are done, we press Save, and then we call the tilemap inside the world


We put playerstart so that the character starts inside the drawn stage


When starting to play, we will find that the character overlaps with the tiles on the sides and the top
Your job is to enable the collision feature of these tiles and make the page size bigger


Note: When you are done modifying the tileset page, click on refresh maps to update the changes


Adjust the camera distance by keeping it from the player so you can see the world better
Change the camera distance through the spring arm, not the camera
Because the spring arm is attached to the character


3- Change the position of the camera (orthographic)


When moving to the right, the camera will be in the correct position, but when we move to the left, the camera will approach the character, and we can do this by changing the camera position to orthographic and increasing the value of the width of the camera to make it farther


Don't forget to press compile on every change 


Thank you for your kind reading

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