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Player settings and inputs
Open the chararcter folder and go to the char_blue file and left click
2- Click on sprite actions, then apply paper 2d texture settings
3-Click again with the left mouse button, then sprite actions, then extract sprites, and then that page will appear
4- Click on sprite extract mode, then select grid
5- Make the width and height of the cell 56
6- Click extract

Go to the content folder and create a file called blueprint
2- Enter the file and click on the left mouse button and create a blueprint class
3-Click on all classes
4- Type in the search box paperzd
5- Press select
6- Name the file bp_char

Then this window will appear

the explanation:In that window, we will put all the modifications to the specified character (bp_char), and this page is called (blueprint editor) and it contains three pages
construction script: On this page we can modify the specific blueprint, but we can't see it when we start playing
event graph: It is the page that makes us control the movement of the character and control everything for the specified character
viewport: It is the page that makes us take a complete look at the selected character, control the size and height, and locate the character in the game world
Now we have to build the character and put the animation for each position.
The default style of the character when we start playing will be idle style.
First we have to open the character file and specify from (0 to 5)
All those parts of the character that were identified were for the purpose of creating a special animation for the (idle) position that will work in the event of non-movement

To create an animation (idle), we have to specify it first, then press the left mouse button and press create flipbook and call it char_idle
flipbook: is to create an animation from the first specified point (0) to the last point (5)

Now we have to go to the (blueprint) file that we created earlier and open the blueprint of the character ( bp_char )
Open the interface page.
We go to the source flipbook to put our animation into itWhich will work every time we start playing

These options are very important and with them we can control (size, movement, level of rotation) and there are shortcuts for each one of them
(W for movement) (E for rotation) (R for volume)

There is an oval surrounded by the character called a Capsule component
That thing is what makes the character collide with the things in his worldWithout it, the character will not be able to stand on the ground and will not be able to collide with anything in the surrounding world. You can say without the capsule, the character becomes a ghost.
We now have to adjust the size of the character to become almost the size of a capsule. If we do not make it the size of the character, this is what will happen, but before we see what will happen, we must build a better stage to see the changes that will happen.
1- Click on file, then new level, then choose basic, then create
2- In order to save the stage We have to click on file then save current level as and then name it testmap

Every time you open the Unrail, you will see the same previous stage, and you have to click on (testmap) every time, and to solve this problem:
1- From the top menu, click (edit), then project settings
Then we choose maps and modes and go to default maps and change the stages that will start every time we open the Unrail

If we put the character now without adjusting the size, we will notice
In order to solve these problems, we have to go back to the personal BlueBert and adjust the size of the character to match the size of the surrounding capsule with it

(So the size problem is solved)
Now we have to solve the problem of the character looking forward and not to the right
And the solution will be by placing a camera that enables us to change our view of the character, and to do so:

1- Go to your personal blueprint and in the component menu, click add
2- Type spring arm in the search box, then select it
3- Select the spring arm, then press add and type in the search box camera (Now the hand is connected to the camera, so we must control the spring arm to change the axis of rotation of the camera)
4- We select the spring arm and make the camera's rotation axis -90. Now when we put the character in the world, we will find it facing the right.

Thank you for your kind reading
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