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Download game files
First, you have to download the files attached below to download all the files for developing a 2d game
When you enter the link, this window will appear for you, and you have to click on
download now

Then that page will appear to you, but do not be afraid, as all the game files are free, and you only have to click the No thanks, just take me to the downloads
Click download

Open Unreal and click games, then blank
Name the project new2dgame
Then click create

Then the window will open like this

Let's go back now to the game files that we downloaded earlier
1- Open the folder

2- Copy all oak_woods files to your desktop

3- Go back to the Unreal page
4- Drag the folder onto the contents page

Now we have to download PaperZD, which can be downloaded from the epic games page
1- Log in to epic games
2- Enter the market page, then type in the search (PaperZD)
3- Click on download and then install to the driver

4- Head back to the Unreal
5- Click on edit at the top left of the page
6- Click on plugins
7- Typing in the search box (PaperZD)
8- Click on the black square opposite it
9- Press restart now

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