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How to jump off the wall
In this tutorial, we'll show you the easiest way to make a character jump off a wall
First we have to go to our personal blueprint and go to the jump point and add some changes that will make us, if we press the spacebar button on the wall, move to the jump animation.

1- We have to take out the branch point from the entry jump

2- In the case of the condition (condition) in branch, we will set the condition only if the character is hanging on the wall (tileslide), which is the special variable that we created in case the character is hanging on the wall

3- We will create the pointlaunch characterWhich will make the character launch, and if true, let the character launch, and if false, the character will not be on the wall, which means that he will only jump, and we will put a tickcorrect On both Zoveride and XYoverride

4- In order to make the character reverse its direction in the event of jumping off the wall, we have to obtain the frontal direction data only, and we can obtain it through the pointget actor forward vector But we only want the direction of the front character in the X axis (left and right), so we have to divide the directions (splitstruct pin) for bothlaunch character get actor forward vector

We need to make the character reverse the direction in the case of jumping, so we have to make the character launch (launch) opposite the front direction of the character, and we can do that by placing a point multiply And we put the number inside a numbernegative Until we reverse direction and we can put the number (-900)
5- Now we have to change the value of launching the character (launch character) in the V axis (of the jump) and make it 600

6- We can improve the air control and make it lighter by modifying the air control that we can get in the detail list of the character movement and make its value 1

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