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What is blueprint?
The blueprint system is a type of visual programming language intended for games and is based entirely on the use of (nodesPoints and linking them with each other in order to form elements and basics of play. Blueprint has many tools that will help small and large developers create their game. And you can only build a game completely with Blueprint, for example the game tartarus. Therefore, if you do not know programming and do not have the time to learn it, put your effort to learn Blueprint, as it is much easier than programming. In programming, one error in the code means that the program will not work, but in Blueprint, you will know the error immediately after connecting from one element to another.nodes).
Blueprint makes you control the characters, their speed, and all the elements of the game to be developed. It is the cornerstone of the engine, and without it, you will not be able to develop the game you dream of.
Blueprint is an alternative to the C++ programming language, which is considered one of the programming languages that is difficult to learn, so it is better for every beginner to start learning Blueprint first, due to its ease of learning and speed of implementation.
The elements in the blueprint are characterized by the fact that each of these elements has a specific color in order to facilitate knowing the type of elements. There are red, green, blue and many colors that will be explained in the coming lessons.

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