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Calculator project
Let's create a program that makes the user choose the operation and numbers he wants and the program prints the result of the operation.
If the if statement contains one line, there is no need to include curly braces {}
#include<iostream>//We start by placing the libraries
using namespace std;//We start by placing the libraries
int main(){//main function
cout<<"1-summation"<<endl<<"2-differentiation"<<endl<<"3-multiplication"<<endl<<"4-division"< <endl;
cout<<"enter the number to operate";
if (numbers>=1 &&numbers<=4){
inta,b;// if But we will only be able to call variables inside an if statement. We can define variables inside a statement
cout<<"Please put the first number you want to operate";
cout<<"Please put the second number you want to operate";
if (numbers==1)//If the process number1 Do the following
//And do the collecting a and b Print the two numbers in
if (numbers==2)//If the process number2 Do the following
//And do the subtraction a and b Print the two numbers in
if (numbers==3)//If the process number3 Do the following
//And do the multiplication a and b Print the two numbers in
if (numbers==4)//If the process number4 Do the following
//And do the division a and b Print the two numbers in
else{cout<<"Are you serious, I told you its from 1 to 4"<<endl;}
//Other than that If the condition is not met, print that the number is invalid
return 0;

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