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What is the keto diet? And why is it different from other diets?

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Keto diet is a completely fat-based diet and we can get the energy source by reducing carbohydrates which will cause the liver to convert stored fats into ketones, and the body and brain will use them as energy instead of glucose.
Why is keto different?
The keto diet is different because you change the nature and mechanism of your body, which will put you into a state called  .ketosis . And when you make fat your main source of energy, it will make your body burn more efficiently, which will make you slim faster and increase the rate of fat burning efficiency.

This diet was used in medicine to treat epilepsy in children, but now many people follow that diet either with the aim of rapid slimming or mental and physical health. And when you start with the keto diet, you must adhere to the allowed amount of protein, because it may turn into glucose when you increase it.  
(75% fat)
          (20% protein)  
5% carbohydrates)

When was it discovered and why is it called by this name?

The keto diet was discovered in 1921 specifically for those suffering from epileptic seizures and some diseases of the nervous system in children and adults.

When ketones are produced in the body to become the main fuel for the brain, a type of fat is also produced called beta-hydroxybutyrate, which has been shown to be effective in inhibiting excess activity in the brain.

Keto is named after the ketones that the liver produces to use as a primary fuel source instead of glucose. 

Do not go keto in these cases:

  • Who suffers from kidney stones

  • Thyroid patients

  • Young people under 18 years old

  • pregnant

What benefits will you get after you follow the keto diet?

  • You will lose weight quickly

  • Increase focus

  • Reducing insulin resistance

  • Reduces acne



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