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When you decide to make indifference your life principle

 Let's dig a little deeper and talk about another spider web.web that is about a question and it said what is actually going to happen When it becomes your principle in life not giving a care Know and know for sure that you are very different from before Know that you are in your way to freedom freedom from your Repressed feelings You are in the paths of the slope of the unknown You don't know who you are and you don't know your purpose in life because you are nothing no one can understand you nor you understand yourself depression becomes part of you and eat from your soul However, don't put the blame on him, put it on yourself And you weren't satisfied with making depression eat your soul but You ate yourself by yourself Until you became a person who can not be seen with the naked eye Someone that looks like an atom and there you are wanting to Fortify yourself So you made indifference your principle in life Hoping to keep your presence And you became unable to recognize happiness or unhappiness To wait for the opportunity of the younger death To maintain your indifference And when you dream, you always dream that you are a different person It doesn't matter if you are sad or happy At least in the dream you have some feelings and when you wake up from any dream you became someone else some one that cant differentiate between reality and dreams and now you ask yourself a question you wonder if uou exist only in a dream what is happening Who is closer to my being now me on my dream or I am now and there you are now out of your home and unknown cant differentiate between reality and a dream going to your friend without knowing if he is actually your friend or not and you ask him a simple question  who im I to you you want an answer and he responded uncarelisness and he said of course you are my best friend and now you know who you are


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