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There is nothing without pros and cons, as well as the keto diet and some tips that will facilitate your path on this journey...

There is nothing without pros and cons, as well as the keto diet and some tips that will facilitate your path on this journey...

The pros and cons and some tips when you follow the keto diet

There is nothing without positives and negatives, as well as the keto diet, and we will give you some tips that will facilitate your path on this beautiful journey with the aim of a healthier and better life. The fastest option for quick thinness in record time is undisputedly sticking to the keto diet for a certain period of time, but is there a sacrifice for this quick thinness? Will sticking to keto without enough knowledge and without taking precautions lead to serious long-term damage? How can we differentiate between temporary symptoms and negative symptoms?
Temporary symptoms are also called ketosis symptoms. When you enter this situation, some temporary bad symptoms will appear, and it is not necessary that they appear to you all, as the symptoms differ from one person to another.

temporary symptoms​​
1- rapid weight loss
Yes, as I heard, and that is the advantage of the keto diet. When you start it, and in the first week or two, there will be a sudden drop in weight, and the reason for this is not due to the body losing fat  of fat, but its loss of stored water, when consuming carbohydrates so much that the body does not need it For energy production, stores called glycogen are produced, and with each one gram of glycogen 3 grams of water is stored, and stored in the muscles. When reducing the intake of carbohydrates, these stores are used, which will help get rid of water retention quickly.

2- Not feeling hungry
The reason for this is due to the diet's concentration of foods rich in fat and protein, and vegetables that are high in fiber, and the fats and proteins may take two days to fully digest. Unlike carbohydrates, which take less time to digest, which speeds up the feeling of hunger.
3- Temporary fatigue
Here at this moment your patience is being tested. Either you complete the journey or finish it, because you will feel tired with your whole body, and you will be affected by insomnia, fluctuations in sleep, and severe weakness in physical fitness. And all these symptoms occur due to a lack of carbohydrates: the main source of energy in the body. When carbohydrates are digested, they are absorbed into the bloodstream and transformed into sugars called glucose, and glucose enters the body through insulin to get the body for energy. The process of converting the energy source from carbohydrates (glucose) to fats (ketones) also takes some time. Carbohydrates are the fastest source of energy and fats are the slowest, which explains why you may feel temporarily tired for several weeks when you start the keto diet. It will also lead to insomnia, and the reason for this is that the body will begin to get rid of the stored glycogen, which in every one gram of which is 3 grams of water through the urine, which means that the body will lose a lot of water and with it some minerals from iron and magnesium, which will affect the increased levels of anxiety and stress, which affects negatively on sleep.  
Negative symptoms (long term)
1- Kidney stones 
The reason for this is the dependence of keto on animal protein, which increases an acid called uric acid and promotes calcium excretion in the blood, which affects the kidneys. The second reason is dehydration. Not drinking enough water may lead to the accumulation of waste products, which leads to blockage of the kidneys with muscle proteins.
 2-High cholesterol 
This happens due to the low consumption of carbohydrates, which makes the liver produce less triglycerides, which will contribute to lowering the levels of bad cholesterol and at the same time raising the levels of good cholesterol.
The question now is what is the difference between them?

Good cholesterol (HDL): Its function is to produce excess cholesterol from the blood and return it to the liver
Bad cholesterol (LDL): Its function is to take cholesterol from the liver and transport it to all cells of the body
3 - severe constipation
This is due to dehydration, as water is very important to help keep the digestive system soft and maintain it. Because the body gets rid of stored glycogen when following the keto diet, this will indicate that there is not enough fluids, which will lead to constipation.
4- Not eating enough vegetables
Vegetables contain fiber, which in turn increases bowel movement. It is very important to adhere to the amount of carbohydrates from 20 to 50 grams so as not to lead to serious complications in the long run, including: hemorrhoids and anal fissures. This problem can be treated by taking dietary supplements that are full of fiber.
Benefits of the keto diet
1 - Burning body fat
When you stick to keto, the body will have to obtain energy through fats, not carbohydrates, when entering the ketogenic state, which will help burn stored fat in the body. Going into ketosis will help you maintain your weight for life due to its reduction in satiety hormones.
2- Reducing insulin resistance
When the amount of carbohydrates is reduced and sugars are completely avoided, insulin resistance will decrease, which: the blood sugar level will decrease, the body fat percentage will decrease, and the blood pressure will decrease.​
The human body has a unique feature called metabolic flexibility. Our body naturally uses carbohydrates as a primary source of energy, and if it does not find it, it will break down fats in the liver into ketones and use them to produce energy.
There are many scientific studies that you can look for that prove that keto is the perfect diet for anyone who suffers from insulin resistance.

3- Treating some diseases
1- Treats acne because carbohydrates are linked to many skin diseases
2- Treats cases of epilepsy and some diseases of the nervous system that are difficult to control even with medicines
3- It treats patients with diabetes and obesity and reduces inflammation, because ketones have anti-disease properties, and this makes the keto diet a good way to prevent heart disease.
4- Boost your mental strength by making ketones the source of energy by increasing the energy factories (mitochondrial) in the brain.

some advices
1- It is very important to take supplements that contain calcium, sodium, magnesium, vitamin D and omega 3 to make up for the deficiency of some vitamins and minerals.
2- Adherence to the permissible amount of carbohydrates, which is from 20 to 50 grams only, and a lot of vegetables to compensate for the lack of fiber
3- Do a periodic examination of the kidneys and liver from time to time to ensure that there are no kidney stones and fatty liver disorder.
4- Consult a doctor first before you start if you can


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