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Why is Bloodborne worth the full rating to me?

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Let me tell you a simple story that happened to me. I went with my friend to the game tape store, and we were very excited about the release of the game Bloodborne, and we bought it for the full price of 20 dinars, and when I came home and played the disc, and unfortunately for me, I did not know that this game was that difficult, so I was not ready for that game that does not have difficulty! It was the first Souls game I played, and I was playing it for hours, stuck at the first area of the game, and I didn't even encounter the first boss, and so was my friend.
So I talked to my friend and we complained to each other about how bad the game was. So we made the decision to sell the game only one day after buying it! It was the worst gaming experience I've ever played in my life. And I kept wondering all the time why the game's ratings are so high, for me and my friend it was a bad game that deserves a rating of at least 3 out of 10.
After months, I decided to buy it again, maybe I wronged it, I don't know.  And here began my love not only for Souls games, but for all difficult games like   Cuphead and Dead Slice. Bloodborne opened another door for me to games that I didn't know about.

So why has Bloodborne changed my perspective on gaming?  
Bloodborne is a game of the type called RPG, role-playing, and in the nature of roguelike in its difficulty. It is a dark game and tells its story between the lines, so you have to search deeply to understand what is going on in this dark world. A world colored only in black and inhabited only by ruthless monsters.
In the city of Yaranam, the city where monsters were overwhelmed, bloodshed, and an epidemic that spreads through blood, which turns humans into monsters and then brings inevitable death. And now the hunter who will save the world from corruption has awakened and fights for peace and wants nothing but to survive. But what is its purpose exactly? And why did he wake up in this place? How long will he be locked up in this place? And how can he fight the monsters that pervade the place? In order to answer all these questions, we must raise the curtain and analyze between the quotes, and I hope that you are ready to board the rescue ship and let us anticipate the events.


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