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Does my introversion mean weakness in my personality?
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Hey, welcome to the spider world
We will discuss in this channel
About a web of information and ideas
Which I want to pass on to you in my own way
Maybe I will change even an iota of your beautiful being
And there is a question that has always been in my mind, which is:
Does my introversion mean a weakness in my personality?
How can it be a weakness in my character?
while its is an inseparable part of me!
Why do they want me to be someone else?
A social person
Did not god create us different in everything
And they look at us as if we are a stumbling block to society
I totally understand why they look at us like that
They just see us different
very different
To the point of racism
Racism covered in spontaneous ridicule
They want us to change and become someone else
Someone so far from us
and out of our coverage area
Isn't it easier to accept us as we are?
Good people just don't know how to act in social situations
People trying in every way just to fit in in this world
People who suppress their feelings in order to please you
and their vast imagination is what changed nations
and they put all these presentations and interviews
If only they knew how much we suffer to please them
And they put it as a barrier to make it difficult for us to enter them
They set these rules in order to build society
But how can a society prosper without classes in this society
We've squashed inside the virtual world
In video games
in serials
and in sleep
and we only want one thing from you
To live as we want and not as you want
People have commit suicide because of their introversion
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