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Psychological fragility
The writer talks here about the problem of this generation, which he calls Generation Z, which refers to those born from 1997 to those born in the 2000s, but this book is not only concerned with this generation, but rather with all generations.This is the psychological screen It affects all generations, but this fragility has spread due to several factors that only appeared in this generation, and that is the reason for the spread of this scourge now. This book is directed to teenagers and deceived people, who do not suffer from any real disorders and are led to believe that they are psychologically disturbed because of social media.
the chapter First: Snowflake generation
The writer begins by presenting three scenes that highlight a phenomenon Psychological fragility:
aFor the first scene: the painful separation, the new and the old
They fall in love with each other, he pursues her accounts, and they are exterminatedHe admires him, and after a while he discovers that the relationship becomes more than just amusement, and the girl feels bored, so she breaks up with him and marries someone else. The young man collapses, his personality is destroyed, and he may commit suicide. All of these things happen as if their romantic story was not doomed to failure in the first place.
Scene Two: Stand for the student and pay homage
A quarrel breaks out between a student and his teacher, and the student is summoned to the supervisor. The student returns home and tells his father and mother, and they file a complaint against the teacher because he hurt his son psychologically. In order to remedy this crisis, Morris encourages parents and school administrations to treat students in a more harsh and harsh manner, otherwise a generation like...Snow flakes.
Scene Three: Help, my friend! But from what?
Someone calls you late and complains that he is suffering from a crisis, and when you listen to him, you are surprised that it is a very simple problem. Have we become too spoiled? Of course, unfortunately.
Amplify the pain
The generation of teenagers has now become psychologically fragile to the point that they exaggerate any problem to the point of portraying it as an existential catastrophe, and that catastrophe is a feeling that a person experiences when he falls into a problem, believing that this problem he cannot bear, so he feels helpless and psychologically exhausted, and his life collapses.
Men but teenagers, women but teenagers
Unfortunately, the situation in this generation has reached the point where a young man or girl, before they reach the age of twenty-five, remains adolescent in their feelings. So how did the situation reach the point where we treat university graduates the same way we treated middle school students in the past?
Why is the current generation of teenagers called a generation?Snow flakes?
It is named for two main reasons:
1- Because snowflakes are very fragile and break quickly, they cannot bear any pressure in any way.
2-Every individual feels unique and always feels entitled, meaning he has high expectations from all his social relationships.
Fragility is education, not nature
Since childhood, humans have psychological flexibility that enables them to adapt to influences.
Psychological flexibility grows gradually
Psychological flexibility has benefits. Let us mention some of them:
1- Stability in the face of crises
2- Maintaining inner calm in stressful situations
3- Improving our psychological and mental health
We can develop our psychological flexibility by:
1- Contact with older, experienced people.
2- Taking on the task of purchasing household needs
3- Financial independence
I have responsibilities from now on
The child's discovery of life and exposure Since he was young, he develops a psychological resistance to problems that makes him more resilient in the face of life. Man, by nature, is able to gain immunity against people’s words and life’s problems and fluctuations.
Relying on inactivity causes dullness in the soul, and abstaining from taking responsibility causes the body to become subservient.
Chapter Two: The obsession with psychiatry
We have all gone through trauma, it is an integral part of our lives, but it turns out that there is a trend that is multiplying now and says: The only hope for regaining psychological balance is by visiting psychiatrists.
What is trauma? And why do people get it wrong? Trauma is any physical damage to the body, but the problem now is that people combine trauma with PTSD. Hence, that criterion became what the patient himself determined of harm.
Just one bad word became a shock, or a simple negative situation became a shock.
Sadness is not depression
Francis continues: “Imagine if a disaster happened to you in your life and you responded to it with two weeks of loss of interest and energy. This would seem understandable, but the statistical evidence describes it as severe depression.” The patient enters a cycle of psychological treatment without results, simply because they made a wrong diagnosis for a disease that does not exist in the first place.
Internal balance The brain works with an internal homeostasis systemIt helps to overcome negative feelings.
The use of psychiatric drugs disrupts the homeostasis system, weakens immunity, and interferes with the body's natural way of regaining psychological stability, and is only beneficial for those who suffer from real psychological disorders.
Simply telling your worries to someone who will listen to you is one of the best ways to get rid of a bad psychological state.
Emotional emptiness or existential emptiness?
The relationship between friends these days begins with the click of a button to add a friend, and if you do not like that person, you can remove him with the click of a button.
One of the benefits of these relationships is that people want to establish relationships with the least amount of mistakes and end them with the least losses. The most important thing is to have each other with love.
Man has an innate need to search for love, and when he is deprived of it, it arisesEmotional vacuum.
Psychiatrist Imad Rashid classified it as:Emotional vacuum A gap that appears within the soul, represented by a need for someone to be around.
Psychologist Eva Hallström says:the like Someone is just a reflection of the qualities and values that the other person desires, and from admiration to pathological attachment, and then addiction to toxic relationships.
A person's feeling that he is not enough to gain love and appreciation makes him run after any self-esteem from others as if he does not have his own self.
The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, said ((There are two blessings of which many people are neglected: health and free time))
From emptiness to nothingness
God is the basic foundation of everything. He is the path to salvation, without which one will not find true comfort and reassurance.
Social media: the root of all evil
This chapter presents the negative impact of social media from a psychological perspective, in five points:
1-Enhancing narcissism
2- Sanctifying change
3- Loss of concentration
4- Flaws in success criteria
5-Ideas from paper
First: How does social media reinforce our narcissism?
aFor narcissism: It is excessive love for oneself
The phenomenon that led to its strengthening is the selfie phenomenon, which became the sharing of your photos and the interaction of people with you It is what defines your identity, and our desire to feel appreciated and admired is an innate human need, and social media ignites that desire in the easiest way possible.
Second: Why do I get injured?We sanctify change?
We have become and become creatures that worship speed: fast food, instant coffee, and instant videos, which has made change a value in itself that we seek at every moment. On the contrary, routine matters and matters that require concentration have become very boring.
Change is a problem when change becomes the goal of change, and because of change our ideas fly at great speed.
In the words of Hamza Tzortis:((Most of us have become like rocking chairs; we move a lot, but we do not go anywhere.
There are many actions but no transformations in our lives.
Third: Why have we started to lose our focus?Speed?
Our focus has been lost due to smart devices, and we now spend the times we are required to reflect on ourselves flipping Instagram pages or responding to WhatsApp messages.
Self-reflection: It is what forms our deep knowledge of ourselves and our personality.
Smart devices are designed only to make us compare ourselves with others, and thus we lose the ability to build a unique and distinct personality from others.
Fourth: Why do we set success standards? unrealistic?
The criterion for success is now simply:Views,And follower numbers, And evaluations. If you don't become famous or whatever they call it now (Influencers) You are a failure, and if you fail, you will enter a cycle of despair until you become...Psychologically fragile.
Fifth: Why have social media ideas become like paper?
Ideas have become social mediapaper; Ready to be replaced at any time. Everyone has become afraid of winning hostilities and forgives anything. This is the decadent model for success in this generation.
To solve these problems, turn off notifications, and to strengthen your concentration, you must accustom yourself to reading one article at the same time.
Don't judge others!
There are two types of provisions:
1- The ruling on the rightG: It describes the facts of things and distinguishes between them.
2- The ruling that protectsM: It is what adds the moral aspect to things and distinguishes between them, such as describing something as good or bad.
As Linhayan advises, we should stay away from evaluative judgments about everything, and in this way we will accept everyone As they are.
Safe spacesOf the rulings
As Brian Andrew saysD: ((Those who scream)do not judge meTheir cry can be translated into their desire to avoid being confronted with their mistakes.
When society abandons judging people, a person will be stripped of his humanity.
When teenagers do not assume adult responsibilities, the area of the brain responsible for judgment and decision-making will not develop.
Cooper asserts: “If we adopt a philosophy...The wisest We will lose our moral compass, all things will seem equal, and we will live in a world of moral indifference and value neutrality in everything.
In our current generation, we suffer from a major problem in the Islamic religion, which is abandoning enjoining good and forbidding evil, and because of that, many societies have perished.
Your inner feelings: the worst judge of your life?
We hear a lot of advice such as: “Always trust your feelings, your feelings are the most important thing.”
Our feelings are real things, but they may lead us astray, so it is better not to let our feelings be the only ones that judge things.
Lacroix says: ((The language of everyday life shows a preference for strong feelings at the expense of calm feelings, and this appears in these repeated phrases:
(This is a crazy story), (This news will amaze you). How can we achieve psychological stability in the midst of noise and strong emotions?
We become attracted to things that make the stove burn, and that burning causes us to want nothing more than a relationship filled with emotional tyranny, which ultimately causes the collapse of marriage relationships.
In this generation, a person cannot choose his life partner based only on love and romance. Romantic love has now become nothing but a fantasy that has become firmly established in our minds. Because of movies and series (Twilight, Titanic).
From crush to love
According to the website SRCP((The feeling of admiration occurs suddenly and immediately, while love arises gradually over time. The feeling of admiration (crush) is characterized by its intense strength but short duration. While love begins quietly and becomes stronger and deeper with the passage of time)).
Drugs of passion
Repeated motivational speeches With the saying (Follow your passion to become a successful person) and they tell you that you can be like Bill Geach and Steve Jobs. And you hear every day that wisdom that says: ((It is not your fault to be born poor, but it is your fault to die poor)).The blame now lies neither with the corrupt state system nor with any family you belong to, but rather with yourself as an individual. You deserve what happens to you if you are a lazy person or even a poor person.
When the music gets louder with every sharp tone of those motivational speeches, you enter into a state of intense enthusiasm that makes you able to do any task to the fullest potential, as if you had taken a dose of...Placebo drugs.
And after you take thatThe placebo dose You are transported to reality and you are shocked. There is no exciting music and no one motivates you and applauds you. You end up failing in all aspects of your life. You enter into a spiral of frustration and despair and end up in depression.
We can replace the statement(follow your passion)In two steps:
1-Continuous development of your skills, searching for opportunities rather than passion, and continuous learning without stopping.
2-Balancing the four circles:Circle of passion,Work Department,Skills Department,Department of Religious Message.

The key to survival: I am a psychopath, so I do what I want
There is a difference between the villain AndPsychopath But unfortunately people no longer differentiate between themselves, so it became... The phenomenon of sympathy for evil people It appears in many films: The Joker, Deadpool, and many films that promote not judging the actions of villains, but rather judging them by their psychological state, because in the end we are all corrupt and would probably commit the same criminal acts if we were in their place.
Researchers answer the question:Why do we sympathize with evil people instead of hating them? Whenever a background is depicted about the suffering of the evil one, we place the blame on his external circumstances and not on his internal evil. The divorce of his parents and the cruelty of his childhood is what drives him to commit evil. To change our view on the villain of criminal to victim.
They became criminalsThey take advantage Psychiatry by requesting that his mental health be tested for the purpose of relieving him from the trial or even reducing it.
Young people are trendingFor atheism Just because of sadness and distress, they see that their psychological comfort is the most important thing, even if it is through disbelief in God.
Have a psychological disorder Excuse me If the person is not aware of what he is doing, and that specialists confirm his psychological state at the time he committed the crime.
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