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What are the causes of corporate greed?

Money is important and it isOne of the paths to happiness but how far companies go to get money. They have enough money and are still greedy even though their games are a success! There are many big companies that make billions and not only sell the game, but also put many goods in order to provide a source of income for developers.
We understand the situation of companies putting them into free games to provide them with a source of income, but what about companies that are making billions! Why put goods in her toys that you buy at full price?
1- Small deals
One of the worst methods used by major companies in order to obtain additional funds. There are many companies that have used this method with their paid games, and let us touch here on a large company, Activision.
It started with the Call of Duty Ghost by selling weapon and character skins, and a sound pack for Snoop Dogg. All those things that they added did not affect the game badly, but it was the beginning of everything bad coming to the series in which they exploited the players.
And after Code Quest, I looked and discovered that these small deals had generated revenues for them that were not taken into account. They must have thought and said why not move to a higher level? And that infernal idea came to them, which we will discuss now, which made profits for them that they did not even imagine.
2- Priority gaps
This method was also used in the Call of Duty series, starting with the Code Advanced Warfare segment. This is the worst possible way to steal people's money in the silliest way possible and the more you pay the better you get.
This method leads to inequality between players and grievances for players who play without paying sums of money. The other problem is that if you do not pay the money, the percentage of you getting what they got will be barely 10%, and that, of course, after a long period of toil and toil, and in return they will get everything you worked hard for at the same moment.
The problem is that they gained a lot from that method, so it took them for a while, so who among us does not want to be the best in any game? Isn't it, but stealing people's money is not the way, but by making it part of the game, we bought the game at its full price and that is enough, we deserve the game's content in full for what we paid to buy it, and not for what we will pay after we buy it.
3 - deals that don'tbenefit to her
And now let's talk about Capcom with their famous game Devil May Cry 5 and with the silliest deal I've ever seen. There is a currency in the game called red orb, you can use itIn order to buy some skills that will help you in your career, and you can also use them upon death to return to life, and if you die repeatedly, you will pay more to return to life.
And there are levels to return to life, the more you pay that coin, the more health you will return. In other words, when you buy that currency, you will be immortal, and every time you die with it, you will return to life, and not only that, but you will be able to finish the game with any possible difficulty without getting tired.
And let's now address two big problems with that deal:
The first problem
And it is that when you progress in the game, you will unlock a new weapon, which is a hat that uses the red orb to deal damage. Yes, as I heard, and I really don't know how they thought that way, and really what I see is that they only put a convincing reason to make you buy that currency.
And there is a skill that you unlock in this weapon that causes fantastically high damage, and of course, to cause that damage, you need a lot of that currency, unfortunately.
The second problem
Is that if you want to get all the trophies in the game, there is a trophy that you can notObtaining it in the event of purchasing all the skills in the game, but there are three skills and I do not know if they are really skills, and it is a provocative dance for each of the three characters. Well, what about that provocative dance?
You can buy it for 3 million coins per dance, in other words you will pay 9 million coins in order to get the dances for each character, and to get the trophy. And you have no idea how long it will take to get that trophy. I finished the game on all odds and couldn't even get a single provocative dance.
4-Add Deals
We give an example, which is the Destiny game, with its first and second parts. The game has not yet been fully released, however it was sold at full price. There are many add-onsWe should be proud of them because of the size of those additions, which are the size of a game at a price of sixty dollars. Among these additions:
1- (ancient fishermenZ) from the game Bloodborne
2- (stone heart) from the game The Witcher 3
3- (Last tasty course) from the game Cup Head
4- (Zombie Chronicles) from the game Code Black Ops 3
These are some of the best add-on deals that come with a very small price tag and a lot of content. Companies should learn from these add-ons that it is okay to make the add-on prices relatively low. And that these additions do not affect the content of the game and force people to buy it in order to be able to progress in it, but rather that it be a separate addition that you do not force to buy, but rather an addition that only makes you enjoy it more.
Let's go back to the deal that deserves the award for the worst addition in the history of games presented by Bungee in its famous game Destiny. This is a game that has moved to an advanced level of withdrawing money from players, which is by selling them an incomplete game at a price of $60.
They tried that wayIn Destiny 1 and repeated it again worse in Destiny 2. And when we talk about the problem here, it does not depend on the fact that the game is incomplete, but on the idea that they put additions that you are forced to buy.
Also, when we talk about the game mechanics and graphics, they are very excellent, but if they force you to add at least the price of from 20 it is a joke .
I've bought Destiny 1 since it came out and I've been playing it for a really long time and I love it, I was still a teenager at the time and I bought all the extras because I really enjoyed it. But after a while, I learned how exploitative these add-ons are. If I didn't buy the add-on, I wouldn't be able to reach the level of the players who bought the add-on.
In other words, if I do not buy the add-on, my character level will stop at a certain limit, and I will not be able to raise my level until I buy all the add-ons that will be issued. We have been taken advantage of as gamers by buying an incomplete game from the start and add-ons that we are forced to buy later, and when we decide not to buy add-ons the best we can do is delete them.
Four expansions have been released, each containing a short story phase, new weapons, and a raid phase. If you are an introvert and always play alone, then unfortunately you will not enjoy the raid mode.
What makes Destiny 1 playable for so long is their use of exotic weapons, the variety of weapons, and the features and rarities of each weapon. It was a beautiful and distinct game, but it presented an incomplete game and additions that are not even worth its price.
When any game succeeds and its additions make them a lot of money, they will never repent, and this is their problem, which is the endless greed.
Destiny 2 was released just three years after the release of Destiny 1.
Only three years? What a short while, isn't it? So what changes are worth to tHave them make a sequel?
The answer is simply nothing. I mentioned to you the feature that distinguished the first part, which was the scarcity of weapons (exotic), which made it playable for a very long time. But in Destiny 2, these weapons have become a joke, as they are now very rare and very weak.
There are many weapons that were in Destiny 1 and they have been returned again, in other words, Destiny 2 is an addition that should be issued with Destiny 1 at a price of $ 60. Do you want to hear a joke? The game has become free after its heinous failure.
Of course, with time, people will discover the truth about the exploitation of companies who prioritize how to get the most money, and when players stop buying these games and add-ons, companies will be compelled to stop exploiting players.
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